Here is the first email I got from her after they left last Sunday:
We arrived home last night. (We were all tired of the car and hotels and decided to push through in 2 days!) Tasha gave me 2 kisses on the way home and requested many belly rubs. I think she and my mom bonded well, also. She met several members of my family last night and seemed very happy. (There were a few tail wags and belly rub requests and she gave my sister an "Eskimo" kiss.) She was not eating on the ride home, but I got her to eat a little bit of wet food last night. I'm sure she will eat when she gets hungry. Meanwhile, I will keep trying some different things to encourage her. She is a very good night sleeper! Hank and I get up around 5:30 am, but she snoozed for a couple more hours.
Yes, she does like the furniture! We've begun working on "off" and I'm sure she will pick it up quickly. We went for a walk today and a ride in the car through the car wash. Mostly, I think both dogs are tired from the trip. I'll keep you updated and thank you for everything. She is such a sweet girl!
To clarify, Hank is her nine year old border collie. The house rule is no dogs on the furniture, except for the bed, but I have a feeling that Tasha may be a little bit cat-like in her rule following - that is, no dogs on the furniture when anybody is home to see it.
This one came the following day:
Just wanted to let you know that Tasha was playful this evening and was interested in her snake for the first time. She ate ALL her dinner tonight. No leftovers. Since she is all rested up from sleeping most of the day, she has started following me everywhere. She's like velcro : ) Tomorrow will be her first day alone since I go back to work. I'll be home at lunch and my mom is going to try and stop by also.
She is such a smart girl. She kept getting on the couch today. I would say "off", reward her with a treat, then ask her to lay down on the dog bed and reward her again. The fourth time I saw her, she looked at me, got off, and came over for her reward! (The first time took much coaxing; she was very resistant.)
She doen't like it when I throw Hank's frisbee (or a stick) for him in the back yard. She goes inside and curls up on the dog bed. Uhmmm? Anyway, she is such a love and we are really enjoying her. (Hank loves all the treats, since I try not to exclude him when I'm working with her.)
And I got this one and the following photos today:
She sleeps on my bed every night, but doesn't like to get up as early as Hank and I. (She must need her beauty rest.) She is such a sweet girl, follows me around the house, and is eating well now, also. She loves going for rides in the car (we like to drive to different trails to go for walks frequently). She goes up the stairs and gets in the car fine. But, she hesitates at great length getting out of the car and coming down the stairs. Maybe something in her front end hurts? Now that she is eating well, I've been adding a joint support and pain management supplement to her food. I think that should just may take a little time. (Hank has joint and stiffness issues and it really helps him. It was recommended by my cousin who is a vet.) She and Hank are still trying to adjust to living together. She doesn't want to share the lovin' and he doesn't want to share the snacks/treats. She is still a little reserved. In time, I think she will open up more. She has given me many of her "stretch-hugs" (when she stands up and puts her front paws on me and stretches). She enjoys rolling in the grass in the backyard.
Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful, pretty girl with me!!

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