Friday, November 7, 2008

Digging Through the Desert

Sorry for the long time between posts. My roomie Carissa was having a Halloween costume crisis last Friday and so we were running all over town all day trying to create the perfect look for her, quite a chore in Kanab, Utah. And, this week, I changed shifts with one of my coworkers, so I am off today (Friday) and tomorrow, but worked yesterday. It was a long week, we were a little short on staff and I had six days straight, but there were no major catastrophes - a few minor ones (one involving myself, a golf cart, and a big green electrical box that is now slightly out of place), but nothing that can't be fixed :)
Being that things were a little tight on the staffing side this week, though not as bad as it could have been, I was surprised to get to spend as much time with dogs as I did - guess we are getting more organized about things! Overall, it was a pretty good week. I took Astronomy for a walk this week, what a dog (sorry, no photo). I am told that he came to BF from a Catahoula breeder along with a litter of his puppies. He is a purebred Catahoula Leopard Dog and is all grey with dark grey spots and patches (aka Blue or Merle). They are very smart, very motivated working dogs that are often used for hunting and herding but I think they would be great at a number of other dog jobs. Astronomy, Tron or Tronnie for short, loves to dig holes, deep, big holes that he could probably get lost in if given the opportunity. During our walk, which felt more like an archaeological expedition, we stopped to dig a number of rather small investigative holes. Upon reaching a prime piece of digging territory (I have yet to determine the qualities of prime territory), Tron would settle into his mission, digging and sniffing and digging, then repositioning to get a better angle, digging, removing obstructive roots, sniffing, and digging until I could finally convince him to move along, at which time we would begin the exploratory process all over again. I lost count of the number of investigative holes he dug, I think we ended up with three or four big holes, deep enough to fit the entirety of his upper body to his waist or more, at times all you could see through the flying sand were his back legs splayed across the ground, his butt in the air, and his tail going like you wouldn't believe. It was all great fun! There is a construction crew up at the sanctuary getting ready to put in water to the dog park over in Dogtown Heights and I have been thinking about suggesting Tron go over to help with the trenching - cheap labor and he would love it! If you know any excavators looking for a trusty sidekick, send 'em Tron's way.
I hope everyone had a great week and enjoys their weekends! I will try to get back to the library to post again tomorrow. It looks like more people are having success with the comments, keep trying, I like reading them (it can be pretty tricky to decipher the anti-spam codes that you have to enter in order for the post to go through).


-J. said...

Fernando Burneo said...

hoho , that is an underground dog !!!