The legend of Niblet preceded him and even those in Dogtown who didn’t know him personally knew of him. Perhaps, one day I will share the Legend of Niblet, but it is a story of humor and sadness that doesn’t seem appropriate here today. He was a good dog and I got to spend some very nice, quality time with him in the few short months that I knew him. He received sub-cue fluids once a day and I sometimes administered them. It took about twenty minutes and during that time we would sit on the floor and cuddle the Nib-Nib, talking to him, singing to him; it was always a very soothing time of day and often times the other dogs in his Lodge would come inside and rest while Nib got his fluids. I am sad that I did not get to say good-bye to Niblet, but I am happy that he was able to spend his last days in his run and not being poked and prodded in a clinic cage. Everyone recognized that Nibbles was on borrowed time as it was and I will always be grateful that there weren’t any fruitless efforts made to give him another couple of days just for the sake of keeping him alive a little bit longer when he would not have been able to run and play and bark in his run. He was a happy, silly dog, he liked to take his food outside and dine alfresco on a regular basis, he liked to bark at passing golf carts and the people heading up for puppy class, he liked to do the Niblet dance when it was time for fluids and then cuddle up for some good belly rubbin’s, he was a special dog. I, and everyone else at the Lodges and beyond, will miss our Niblet.

(Photos copyright Best Friends Animal Society.)
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