Savannah has been tried with several dogs, but always seems to get herself into trouble after a few days. Today will be day five of their living together and I really hope it continues to go well. Tex lived with Valentine for quite a while and has been solo for about a month since she got adopted and so we are really hoping that Savannah can be his new buddy.
He missed that biscuit, but proved very adept at catching flying food. I was on the other end of the leash a few weeks ago when this was taken by one of our wonderful staff photographers, Molly Wald. We were going for a new cage card photo, but I don't think this one's going to be the final pick. More tomorrow, have a great night! (Photo copyright Best Friends Animal Society.)
And this is Fiero, he is such a character, pretty short but just full of energy and ready to be friends with anyone who happens into his run.
On the Ballsy front, I am happy to report that I think I might have a better handle on how to read him. It seems that it is all about his tail - if he is unsure, he stands with his tail like a flagpole, straight up in the air and stiff as can be, but if he is happy to see you, it is just wagging away. When I walk into his lodge now, instead of a flagpole I am seeing wags and that is a great feeling. I have been taking an extra minute or two with him here and there, just petting and hanging out when I can. I am feeling more and more accepted by the dogs. I didn't really see it until we had some new people in the area helping out for a few days, we had two two-weekers (people doing an employment evaluation) and then we had some staff from other areas helping us out this past week while some of our regular staff were on vacation/weekends. It is amazing how fast you forget what it was like being the new kid on the block with the dogs, I am so used to being able to walk into lodges now and get a few welcoming and excited barks (especially around feeding time) that it was a bit jarring to go around with the unfamiliar people and see how the dogs were responding to them - not so welcoming barks from a lot of the dogs. While I don't want to sound like the plight of others makes me feel good, it did help me to realize that I am being accepted by the dogs and they are treating me differently now than they treat strangers. I talked about Batman in a previous post, he is barrier aggressive and a lot of people take a very long time before going in with him. These days he is so happy to see me most of the time and just wants me to pet and love on him for as long as I can stay. It is strange to see this wonderfully friendly and affectionate side of some of these dogs and then see how they respond to somebody new. Well that is about all I have time for today, the library is closing momentarily, so I must be going. Have a wonderful week! (Photos are still copyright Best Friends Animal Society.)
This is Waylon, the day after I walked Florence and Paris, I got to take him for a walk. He is a big chow mix and has a tendency to bite, especially when people are leaving his run. On the up side, he is incredibly food motivated, so if you toss a few cookies to the other side of the run or just hold them up out of reach, he will fixate on them and you can easily get out of the run.
Since walking Waylon, Florence, and Paris, I have been able to go into their runs to retrieve their food bowls, which is making life a lot easier for everybody at the Lodges. It used to be that someone would ask me to go do something in 13 and 14 (their lodge numbers) and I would have to say, "Well, I can do everybody except these three because I haven't met them yet." Now, I can just say, "Okay!" and go do it.
I have also been spending time with a dog named Tasha, working on making friends with her. She seems like she wants to be around people, but then she gets nervous and starts growling or snapping a little bit. It is a slow process to get to know her, but she is very smart and knows a lot of commands. Her run mate, Chow Baby, has a trachea problem and has to have three meals a day of wet dog food mixed with water until it is the consistency of a smoothie. He eats pretty quickly, so I have been grabbing a few treats and going in to feed him and then while he eats, working with her a little bit on her basic commands and letting me pet her. Yesterday, when I went into their run to change their water buckets and she walked over to me while I was putting down their outside bucket, so I knelt down to say hi. When I did, she came right up to me and laid down, wedging herself under my my leg as I was kneeling and just laying there for a minute. It was very exciting for me!
This is Tasha, her adoption bio says she is an Australian Cattle Dog mix, she is colored like a Dalmatian, but has the build and coat length more like a cattle dog.
And this is Chow Baby, her run mate - clearly a Chow.
I will try to get another post in tomorrow, I was thinking "A Day in the Life of a Lodges Caregiver". I hope everyone has had a great week! Again, all photos are Copyright Best Friends Animal Society.
This is Ballsy, he can be a tough nut to crack, but a lot of people really love him.
This is Batman, the Heinz 57 that likes to intimidate people at the gate.
This is Marge, the picky eater, I really like her a lot though, she is a very sweet dog and a smiler like Archie.
It is back to work tomorrow, so there isn't a lot of promise for more posts until my next weekend. Have a great week!